How To Study Physiology And Anatomy At University

Physiology and Anatomy are two subjects that many find difficult to study, not because the material is any more difficult than you would imagine, but simply because of the sheer amount of information there is to study. New students starting these classes often have a difficult time adjusting, as each subject requires quite a lot of “out of class” study.

Physiology and Anatomy are two subjects that many find difficult to study, not because the material is any more difficult than you would imagine, but simply because of the sheer amount of information there is to study. New students starting these classes often have a difficult time adjusting, as each subject requires quite a lot of “out of class” study.

Unfortunately I can not offer any advice that will allow you to master the subject within 24 hours, so if you have an exam tomorrow and you’ve yet to start studying, I’m not going to be able to help you much!

The first term that I had these classes, I too struggled to find a way to study the course material effectively and, in the end, had to settle for a lower than my average grade. And so, the second term I started my revision and study process a while beforehand, so as to get ahead. This helped me a tonne and it’s something I would suggest that anyone taking this class do – start your revision early.

A lot of the information can also be resumed down into a table or something similar, making it visually easier to organise in your head. For example, one of the first things we studied, in my course, were the bones in the body, where they’re located, which other bones they articulate with, etc. This was easily logged in a table format and then it was just a case of repeating the material and testing myself on it.

Starting early definitely made it easier, but this is somewhat obvious, as very few people are capable of memorizing pages and pages of information within a few days. These two courses, especially anatomy, are essentially just memorizing an information base, to work off of as you get further into your university/college studies.


  1. Start early.
  2. Revise again and again, on a regular basis.
  3. Organise your notes to make it visually easier to study.
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